anthophilia: a love of flowers
This project unfolded over several months in my newsletter and was shown in my studio in spring of 2022.
You can explore the writing below; my favorites are “Bloodroot Medicine” and “Of Wood Thrushes and Trilliums.”
At the bottom of this page are all the pieces from the show.
Sacrifice in the Bluets
Sacrifice in the Bluetspastel on board16 x 20″ Snakes were long ago considered to embody the energy of the Goddess, specifically life-fore energy, and were revered by the ancient Goddess-worshipping…
Wake Robin in Sunlight
Be this flower, for a moment. Feel your roots enmeshed with the rich forest soil, with the coolmoisture and microscopic buzz of life. Feel the way your stem rises up…
★ Of Wood Thrushes and Trilliums
The wood thrushes have returned, embroidering the morning soundscape with their wavering flutesong and soft rattles. Dusk is a concert of frog song. Breezes whisper through the velvet of new…
Painted Trillium Patterns
There are patterns everywhere the trillium says to me, and I lean in closer, not entirely astonished by the connection, but still, I wonder, is it real? I decide to hedge…
Dwarf Crested Iris
I wasn’t looking for wildflowers. Much less listening for them. No, I was careening through the forest on my mountain bike. I was in my early twenties, and I loved…
★ Bloodroot Medicine
The hawk sailed over the tangled crown of the oaks, then turned in a wide arc so that his underbelly caught the gold of the afternoon light and spilled it…