Cute Dogs

This is my dog. His name is Togo. He is as big as he looks. Bigger even. He is 100 lbs of muscle and teeth. He is not really cute—he is a very serious working dog. I’m not going to say he’d never bite you because actually he would. 

But he also knows how to play. And perhaps because he is so enormous and ferocious looking his goofy play antics are that much more endearing to watch. 

I’ve been thinking a lot about play. How important it is for me to have a playful stance towards life. And I’m doing everything I can to bring that mindset to the domain, even though I’m also, in my heart, a very serious working woman. What woman these days isn’t? And curiously, one of the best ways I know to keep up the play mindset is to hang out with dogs. Because even the most serious of them know how to leap and chase and run with wild abandon. 

Also, there’s nothing better than a good ole fashioned howl fest! 

Dogs. Keepin it real since 23,000 BCE (more or less).

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